A journey of a thousand li starts beneath one’s feet.
– from Tao Te Ching
This Chinese proverb is more commonly translated as:
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
As I was thinking about this phrase the other day, several possible interpretations/applications came to mind.
As you work through the planning phase of any endeavor, whether it be personal or professional, be very mindful of the initial steps in your plan. If you’re in Texas, you don’t get to New York by pointing yourself toward California. 🙂 Your very first steps will set the course for your journey, and have a great impact on your ultimate destination.
Assuming that you’ve got a solid plan in place, don’t wait for someone else to give you a push before you take that first step. Be proactive! Even though the journey ahead may be long, and may still be unknown in some respects, don’t let fear of the unknown prevent you from starting.
As you look back on the events in your life, and perhaps wonder how you arrived where you are today, think back to those first steps. Were they effective, or could they have been planned more carefully?
If you’re not pleased with where you are, or the direction in which you’re heading, it’s not too late to make a change. Take some time to make a new plan, including some new “first” steps in the direction that you really want to go.
Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, every step counts, but that first single step sets the tone for the entire journey. Take that step, and take it wisely!