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Justin Barrett


Homework is like exercise. The only time you regret it is when you haven’t done it. Are you doing yours?


“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” I forget how long ago I heard that wise bit of wisdom, but it has always stuck with me.  It hit close to home many years ago when the mother of a high school friend told me about the first impression she had of me.  She saw me in church, where I was sittingRead More »Impressions

Here today, gone tomorrow

What’s a voiceover artist to do when a part is yanked out from under him like a rug? The same as with so many other experiences: learn from it and move on.

Here to share, here to learn

Hey there!  Welcome to the blog!  My name is Justin Barrett, and I’m a voice actor.  Most of my work so far has been in the arena of character voices.  I’m currently providing the voice for one of the initial four dinosaurs that will act as the “hosts” of, which is scheduled to launch later this year.  Previous projects include a national commercial forRead More »Here to share, here to learn