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tweenMachine now in Zoo Tools Pro!

Two tweenMachine updates in a month?! Yeah, crazy…believe me, I get it! But it’s real! So imagine my surprise when I woke up yesterday to an email from Andrew Silke over at Create 3D Characters, who shared that tweenMachine has just been added to the latest update of Zoo Tools Pro! They didn’t just slap it in, though—they’ve supercharged it! You can see the responsivenessRead More »tweenMachine now in Zoo Tools Pro!

New Airtable videos: Dates and Names

I’m a little behind in promoting these, but here they are! First up, a video showing a series of tips for using Airtable’s date fields, including an undocumented trick: This one contains a quick fix for names that aren’t capitalized correctly. Using a single formula, you can go from BOB to Bob, or from arnold to Arnold. Learn more here:

Happy New Gear!

A little over a week ago, some long-awaited new gear showed up. I just happened to be outside when the mailman swung by to deliver it, so I decided to document the moment. I called this an “unboxing” in the YouTube description, but that term is only relevant in the technical sense that I’m sharing the experience of taking it out of the box. IRead More »Happy New Gear!

“I shouldn’t have to…”

You buy a car, but don’t follow recommendations on the proper types of fuel and oil to put into it, or keep it regularly maintained.  It’s not going to perform well. You build a garden, yet ignore basic care and feeding instructions.  Your garden won’t last very long. You use professional editing software, but disregard recommendations on how to best “feed” the program.  You’re notRead More »“I shouldn’t have to…”

tweenMachine: Passing the Torch

A fitting metaphor Almost everyone familiar with the Olympics knows about the Olympic flame. Once lit, it is never put out. The torch that bears the flame is simply passed between runners in a long relay, until the final runner uses the torch to start the flame in the event arena. So what does this have to do with tweenMachine? Sadly, more than I’d hoped.Read More »tweenMachine: Passing the Torch

JACK and Audacity

I just received a comment from voice talent Tristan Wright on my original post about the JACK audio router utility.  He was trying to get JACK to work with Audacity, but wasn’t having much (any?) success, so I decided to dig into it myself.  Here’s what I found… The thing with Mac apps and audio is that they don’t all behave the same way. SomeRead More »JACK and Audacity

tweenMachine update, v2.0.8

I realized that my initial fix of the selected-channel issue in 2.0.6 didn’t account for certain rare circumstances, and could result in an error. Version 2.0.8 takes care of that. Grab it now!

tweenMachine update, v2.0.7

Right on the heels of 2.0.6 comes yet another tweenMachine update. Version 2.0.7 addresses a bit of odd UI behavior. Originally, tweenMachine was designed to look at the last active Maya panel, and force Maya’s focus back there once tweening was done. However, Patrick A. Müller of Studio Soi brought a bit of a hiccup to my attention. If you select the numeric field in theRead More »tweenMachine update, v2.0.7

tweenMachine update, v2.0.6

I’ve heard off and on that selecting channels in the channel box — which is supposed to isolate the tweening operation to only those selected channels — wasn’t always working, but it wasn’t until recently that I discovered the cause of that hiccup. This update totally reworks the channel-selection mechanism to pretty much squash that bug for good. Grab the update now!

Major site update, minor tweenMachine update

It’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally done: everything has been migrated over to WordPress on this new domain.  I can’t tell you how long this has been eating at me, but thanks to a personal productivity hack — and it honestly was “one weird trick” like those teaser headers we’ve all seen — I was able to make massive progress in the past couple weeks,Read More »Major site update, minor tweenMachine update