Want videos where you can learn slick tricks for HitFilm Express/Pro?
So do I.
So I make ’em!
January 13, 2024 – I should have posted something sooner, but in case it’s not already obvious, I’ve stopped making HitFilm tutorials. Since the first release after the switch in ownership in 2022, the software has refused to run on my computer. I’ve jumped through lots of hoops to try and make it work, but it just loves to crash more than it loves to run reliably. I can’t even edit, let alone test new ideas. I wish that I could have kept this going a bit longer.
I’m thinking of revamping the website some time this year. When that happens, I’ll include an archive page of all Clever Tagline tutorials.
The latest and cleverest (and LONG overdue): LED-Style Bar Graphs, Part 2. Be sure to watch the first part to learn the basic setup, because the second part builds on that and adds sound to drive the lights.
Check out the full list to see what other topics are available.
HitFilm Version Timeline – When you want to figure out where your version fits in the grand scheme of things, or just want to see how far HitFilm has come since its humble beginnings.